Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation
The Cardinal has established the 10th and 11th grades as the specific period of time for preparation and reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Per Archdiocesan Guidelines:
Sacramental Catechesis (classes for the preparation of the sacrament) should take place in the parish at which the Candidate for Confirmation worships.
Teens are being prepared to become not only fully iniatiated members of the Church, but active members of the parish. This cannot be accomplished if they are not members of the parish.
At least one year of regular attendance to formal religious education classes (i.e. Faith Formation Classes) is required prior to acceptance into Confirmation preparation classes. In order to be prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation, the teen has to be registered and participate in Faith Formation Classes as well as Confirmation Preparation classes.
Registration for High School Confirmation will begin in the Fall.
Classes will be held weekly in January.
Please download the Confirmation Brochure for more details and a complete list of prerequisites for being eligible to enter in the Confirmation Process.