The Women of St. Cyril will meet in the Community Building October 21 -- in Room 121
Doors Open at 1:00 pm (Meeting starts at 1:15 pm)
Ladies, we would Love It if you would come on out and get together with other wonderful Women of St. Cyril as we celebrate together!
If you would like more information,
Please Call: Dini Paul at: 713-835-2009 or Sr. Rosalie Karstedt, C.D.P. at: 713-554-1556Below are a few of the wonderful women who joined us in the past. MISSION STATEMENT
The Women of St. Cyril strive: To enhance the spiritual experiences of its members;
To strengthen the spiritual connection and bond within the St. Cyril community.
It is our mission to promote service to our parish and community through the active participation of the women and men of St. Cyril.