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St. Cyril of Alexandria
10503 Westheimer Rd.
Houston, Texas 77042
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The Masses at St. Cyril of Alexandria
While all celebrations of the Eucharist offer the same real presence of the Lord, and the same essential significance, many celebrations are carried out in very different musical and interactive styles.
In order to help you choose which type of style will most help you to join in prayer, read the information below on each of our weekend Eucharistic Celebrations.
For information on the presider of a particular Mass or other pertinent information regarding the Sunday celebrations, click here.
Saturday Evening Mass
4:00 PM (English) - Traditional music is led by a cantor accompanied by piano.
Ambiance is tranquil and reflective.
Sunday Mass Schedule
-------- English --------
9:00 AM (English) - Contemporary worship music is provided by the St. Cyril Singers, a large adult contemporary choir. Music is accompanied by piano and guitar.
Ambiance is uplifting and folksy.
11:00 AM (English) - Traditional worship music is led by the St. Cyril Traditional Choir. Organ and piano are the accompanying instruments. Ambiance is international while traditional.
1:00 PM (Español) - Musica alegre en Español hecha por el Coro Fraternidad
usando guitarras y piano.
6:00 PM (Español) - Musica alegre en Español hecha por el Coro Seguidores
de Cristo usando guitarras, piano electrico, y bateria.