For youth who desire to learn about the Catholic faith and join the Catholic Church we offer the process of preparation known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
This 2-year journey is open to those who have never been baptized and those baptized in other Christian denominations, whose baptism is recognized as valid by the Catholic Church. The RCIA journey begins with the Inquiry Process, which is the first year of preparation.
During the second year, called the Catechumenate, catechumens are “brought to maturity” in the faith through formal study of Church teaching.
Sacraments of Initiation are received during the Easter Vigil.
The sacramental preparation can be an exciting time for the whole family.
We are happy to be in partnership with you in the preparation.
All students who plan to participate in any Sacrament Preparation Process are required to be registered in Youth Ministry. Attendance at Faith Formation Classes, as well as ALL Sacrament Preparation classes, is mandatory.
For More Information contact:
Director of Religious Education (Children and Youth)
Beatriz Green