The Seven Themes of Catholic Social Teaching
The Church's social teaching is a rich treasure of wisdom about building a just society and living lives of holiness amidst the challenges of modern society.
The depth and richness of this tradition can be understood best by reading the documents.
The Presidential Campaign season has been wild, but we want to be prepared for what’s to come.
What goes on behind the scenes with:
Political Campaigning
Fund Raising
The Media
Polling data, analysis and predictions
The impact of our wallets on our Election Day decisions
Fr. Mario Arroyo and Deacon Bob Angelich address these issues and many more in this Theology on the Vine Session.
Catholics Grapple With a Trump Candidacy
"Some pro-lifers believe the presumptive Republican nominee is clearly preferable to a Hillary Clinton candidacy, but other prominent Catholics remain unconvinced about supporting him."
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How Catholics Can Be Good Citizens and Not Dispair
A lot of people went to sleep Tuesday night or woke up Wednesday morning wondering what to do. Neither presumptive candidate for the major political parties appears acceptable to many people of conscience. What this amounts to is a wake-up call and an opportunity to get serious about politics as a noble pursuit that requires loving devotion on every level.
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Sts. Faustina & John Paul II prove providence triumphs over politics
What is going on in the politics of this day (as in every day) is ephemeral. Eye, instead, the inner workings of Providence. Develop a sense for the secret history of the world.
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