I invite you to join us for any and all parish gatherings, but especially the Eucharist. If you choose to do so, the very first thing I want to communicate is simple:
Relax. Even if you've never been in a Catholic church, or for that matter any church before, you'll have no worries about being singled out. We want you to be able to experience a Mass with uplifting music, practical homilies, and an enjoyable atmosphere. What you learn on the weekend about being a disciple of Jesus, you will be able to use during the week.
Wear what's comfortable, we are more concerned with helping you deal with real life than with what you wear. So, dress casually and you'll fit right in. Also, the offering at St. Cyril's is for those who are a regular part of the community. Instead of wanting you to give something, we want you to get something!
If you are new around these parts, or if it's been a long time since you've been to church, St. Cyril's has you in mind! There's already enough you have to think about when you're visiting a church for the first time.
We hope that getting some of this stuff out of the way not only encourages you to join us for church, but also helps you to connect with the hope and encouragement that God has for you.
Fr. Christopher Shackelford Pastor
St. Cyril Alexandria is located at: 10503 Westheimer Rd., Houston Tx 77042 Our Main Number is 713-789-1250 We are located one block west of the Beltway 8 overpass for Westheimer.